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Zoom!® Teeth Whitening
Burlington, MA

Before and after photo of Zoom teeth whitening treatment at Dental Care of Burlington in Burlington, MAYour teeth will darken over time. Changes in the color of your teeth can be caused by such factors as the food and beverages consumed (like coffee, tea and soda). Other known factors for discoloration may include childhood medications or illnesses, tobacco use or improper oral hygiene.

If you're looking for a fast way to dramatically whiten your teeth, Zoom! In-Office Whitening System may be the answer for you. Teeth whitening treatment is one of the most common cosmetic dentistry we perform here at Dental Care of Burlington. This is because professional whitening treatment is safer and more effective than store-bought alternatives. You, too, can experience the wonderful benefits of in-office whitening treatment!

How Your Teeth Stain

There are two types of staining: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic stains occur when the inner structure of the tooth, called dentin, darkens or yellows over time. Often, this type of stain is the result of excessive fluoride exposure as a child, tetracycline antibiotics, or facial trauma. Unfortunately, intrinsic stains do not respond to whitening or bleaching solution.

Extrinsic stains, on the other hand, are the result of pigment-heavy foods and beverages, such as tea, coffee, and wine. Tobacco use is also a big contributor to extrinsic stains. The outer layer of our teeth, the enamel, is porous and picks up these types of stains as we age. During your initial appointment, Dr. Kamand Shaibani will be able to determine if your stains qualify for a professional whitening treatment.

Zoom! Whitening

In a little over an hour, this safe and effective system can give you the instant results you've been wanting. A specially designed light activates the Zoom! Whitening Gel to gently break down stains on your teeth to put the sparkle back in your smile!

Zoom! Whitening is very safe while under the supervision of a trained dentist. It is one of the safest procedures in cosmetic dentistry. However, we do not recommend this procedure for pregnant women or children under age 13.

You will be given some post-whitening care instructions after your procedure. It is important to maintain a good oral hygiene regimen post-whitening to preserve your bright, white smile. We also recommend occasional touch-ups with the Zoom! Take-Home Gel. Your smile will always be brighter than it was before the procedure, but by following these simple instructions, you can retain your results for a long time!

Although the Zoom! System can help almost anyone, it may not be as effective in every case. We can determine if tooth whitening is a possible option for your case.

At-Home Whitening

Unfortunately, the whitening process is an ongoing one. Your teeth may recollect stains, depending on your diet and personal habits. As a part of your ongoing treatment, we may recommend an at-home system. This involves the use of milder whitening gel and a bleaching tray. We will take an impression of your teeth to ensure your tray is custom-fit to your mouth. A custom-fit tray provides more effective results than stock or boil-and-bite tray.

Although the gel may be milder than the high-concentration solution we offer, it will still be stronger than store-bought products. Many people try whitening toothpaste, strips, rinses, and gels before they move forward with professional treatment. Many people also find that these store-bought alternatives do not provide satisfactory results.

Schedule Your Appointment

If you are interested in professional teeth whitening, along with your regular cleanings and exams, call 781-362-2260 and schedule your appointment today!

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Zoom Whitening - Dental Care of Burlington - Facial Aesthetics
Your teeth will darken over time. Zoom! In-Office Whitening System may be the answer for you. Call Dental Care of Burlington now and learn more!
Dental Care of Burlington, 113 Terrace Ave, Unit 1, Burlington, MA 01803 | 781-362-2260 | | 10/14/2024 | Key Phrases: dentist Burlington Ma |