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Should I Buy a New Toothbrush?

Posted on 5/15/2024 by Weo Admin
Image of an apple and tooth brush. Are you examining the state of your toothbrush? Are you worried that it is no longer cleaning effectively? How can you tell if it is still cleaning effectively? We have some tips for knowing when your old toothbrush needs to go and when you need to buy a new one.

The Bristles Look Damaged or Flat

One of the best ways to tell if your toothbrush needs to be replaced is the state of the bristles on your toothbrush. If your toothbrush is missing bristles, if the bristles look damaged or flattened, or if your toothbrush bristles look discolored, it is time to change them.

You Have Been Sick Recently

If you have been sick with a virus lately, such as the flu, COVID-19, or strep throat, you need to change your toothbrush. The viruses that cause serious illness can remain on your toothbrush, so to avoid reinfecting yourself or members of your family, you will want to replace your toothbrush. If you had a bacterial infection and you took antibiotics, you still need to change your toothbrush to ensure you do not become reinfected.

You Cannot Remember the Last Time You Changed Your Toothbrush

Some people only change their toothbrushes each time they visit our dentist, which means once every six months. That is not often enough to keep your toothbrush cleaning effectively. The American Dental Association recommends you change your toothbrush every three months. If you are a hard brusher, you will need to change your toothbrush more often, about once every two months, to keep the bristles cleaning effectively.

What Type of Toothbrush Is Best?

You may think that the harder the bristles are for tooth cleaning, the more effective they are. However, if your toothbrush has hard bristles and you are a hard brusher, you may be wearing away the enamel of your teeth, which is the protective layer that covers your tooth pulp and the dentin as well. Buy a soft toothbrush to keep your tooth enamel strong.

Are you ready to change your toothbrush? Why not call us today to make an appointment?

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Dental Care of Burlington, 113 Terrace Ave, Unit 1, Burlington, MA 01803 / 781-362-2260 / / 10/15/2024 / Page Keywords: dentist Burlington Ma /