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Should I Change My Toothbrush?

Posted on 3/1/2024 by Weo Admin
An electric toothbrushDo you know how long it has been since you changed your toothbrush? If you have to stop and think about it, chances are it has been too long since you purchased a new one. While our dentists are wonderful about giving our patients new toothbrushes each biannual visit, changing your toothbrush every six months is not enough to ensure you are getting a great brush every time. Here are some pointers about how often you should change your toothbrush.

Why Six Months Is Too Long

Many people think they should change their toothbrush every six months, which is sufficient for their dental health. However, the American Dental Association recommends adults change their toothbrush once every three months. If you are a parent with young children, you may want to change their toothbrushes more often, especially if your children are sick frequently.

Bacteria and Toothbrushes

You may not like to think about it, but your mouth is full of bacteria. Most of the bacteria in your mouth help your body digest food and absorb nutrients. If you have too much bacteria in your mouth, even if that bacteria is supposed to be helpful, it can cause plaque buildup, which is that filmy feeling you may feel when you run your tongue across your teeth. The buildup of plaque in your mouth leads to tooth decay and gum disease.

There are other bacteria roaming around in your mouth this time of the year besides the helpful bacteria you need for digestion. Streptococcus bacteria are often present in your mouth as well, especially if you are a parent. These bacteria cause strep throat. If you or your child has had strep throat recently, you need to discard your toothbrushes and start with new ones to keep strep from invading everyone in your family. You might also want to discard your toothbrush if you have had the flu, COVID-19, or a cold because these viruses can stay on your toothbrush as well.

Do you have questions about how often to change your toothbrush? We can help. Why not give our office a call today?

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