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Should I Get Dental Implants After Teeth Extraction?

Posted on 3/15/2024 by Weo Admin
Row of wooden tooth shapes, one of which is being pulled out of the row by dental pliersYour oral health, individual dental demands, and interests will determine whether or not you get dental implants following teeth extraction. Dental implants are a well-liked and practical solution with several advantages for restoring lost teeth.

General Dental Health

The oral surgeon or dentist you choose will evaluate your gums, bone composition, and the existence of any fundamental oral health conditions before discussing implants. Before getting implants, you might need to undergo extra procedures if your oral cavity is damaged.

The Number of Teeth Missing

In some cases, when a single tooth, several teeth, or even an entire arch of teeth is missing, dental implants can be an incredible solution to the problem. The implant-supported repair you are recommended may differ based on how many teeth are missing.

Need for Efficiency and Consistency

Like natural teeth, dental implants are stable and functional. Their anchoring in the jawbone facilitates biting and chewing qualities similar to native dentition.

Stopping Bone Loss

The bone that initially held the tooth may weaken without stimulation following a dental extraction. Dental implants function as artificial tooth roots and help stop bone loss by giving the jawbone the essential stimulation.

Aesthetic Issues

The dental implants are designed to emulate the looks and feel of natural teeth. The constant maintenance or even the improvement of the appearance of your existing smile may be some of the main points for you, which enhances the capacity for implants to offer quite an appealing and natural-looking solution.

Monetary Considerations

Initial expenses for dental implant treatment may apply, and reimbursements by insurance may differ. To ascertain whether dental implant therapy is feasible, consider your budget and discuss your finances with the dental office.

You must consult our oral surgeon to determine whether to choose dental implants after teeth extraction. If you have any concerns or questions about dental implants, do not hesitate to address them with your dentist to make an informed decision.

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